Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dragonfly Stoneware Jug

Recently I promised some online friends a photograph of one of my favorite stoneware jugs. This jug has a dragonfly blue slip design. The story behind this jug is that I lost it in a divorce and found it later in an antique shop and bought it back. How about that? I was exuberant--literally jumping for joy. Years before I had painted a picture of this jug with the two round wooden boxes and to get the jug back to sit with the wooden boxes again is to me amazing.

The first image was taken this afternoon, while the bottom one was done in the morning. Differences in lighting and composition can change a photograph's emotional impact.




Betty Pauwels said...

Thank you for posting!!!! Beautiful photo and I love your props!!! So talented!!!

Light and Voices said...

What a coincidence finding this jug you released to the environment and then finding it to purchase it back. The synchronicity of all is amazing! Excellent subject material and photo techniques.