Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blogger's Community Photo Challenge--Still Life

To see entries, or to enter, please click on the icon image above.

I have missed joining into these times of sharing. Am thrilled to have found this challenge. Still life images are my favorite thing. Here is my entry:

Photograph by Elisabeth Bacon


Eaglesbrother said...

You are the Queen of "Still Life"
Great job Elisabeth

Lisa said...

Gorgeous, just perfect.

Clyde said...

I agree with Eaglesbrother. It's not often that we get to view such exquisite creations from someone's head and someone's heart. Thanks for sharing. <3

Elisabeth said...

Oh my, I am speechless...thank you very much.

sunflowerkat said...

When I see your photos I always think, "I wish I could be a fly on the wall and learn from Elisabeth." Your still life shots are always so moving. Beautiful isn't a big enough word.

MariesImages said... are the Queen of "Still life"
The lighting is excellent, lovely arrangement...

michael bird said...

Well done, Elizabeth. Haven't visited your place in a long time and am not surprised the your work is still elegant and beautiful. Bravo.

gina said...

wow...really stunning!