Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Thoughts on Moving Through Fear

Bob has lung cancer and will be operated on this Friday, January 29.  He has faced serious, dangerous surgeries before and here we go again.  Moments of raw terror and times of sublime calm alternate in both of us.  Bob is tough and full of surprises.  It is time for him/us to actively move into recovery and getting well.

The Unkown is the challenge.  Yet, when we take a close look. The Unknown is always with us.  Knowing this can help when holding fear at bay.  The secret is to focus on something else--focus on something positive/pleasant and remember to MOVE AROUND--do something.  Writing how you feel helps with getting things out.  Put your thoughts on paper and make that the end of it.

We cannot control everything.  Sometimes we have to let go and see what happens next.  Therein lies The Adventure.

NOTE TO SELF:  Today (hopefully) start a creative journal.  One page?  Something is better than nothing.

My Recovery

Working to recover from being in a coma, pneumonia, respiratory failure, A-Fib and grief is challenging.  Two of the hardest things is getting used to occasionally not being able to find a word and walking.  Sometimes a word will simply vanish.  Then, friends get to play fill in the blank and I welcome people finishing my sentences.  Walking requires practice and persistence.  "Use it or lose it."

For me, stamina is a high priority.  Walking distances, working at the computer, filing, balancing my checkbook and amazingly one of the most challenging tasks is picking up things and putting them away.  The enemy is clutter.

The Solution: Organization 
Pain in neck and head continues.  Working on it.  Eventually it will go away.  That is the plan. :-)

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