Thanks to Carmi for hosting these themes each week. If you would like to see more thematic photographs, or enter yours, please click here.
Abandonment, aloneness and things that were once needed, then discarded has been something I have been thinking about a lot. Often objects are used, then left behind. This concept is one of my favorites. Here is a photograph taken earlier this week on the same topic:

Photograph by Elisabeth Bacon 2009
All Rights Reserved
Wow that´s what I call a spooky house ;-).
Truly stunning take of Abandoned!
I love the first of your pictures.
I can hear it speak to me -
love your work!
Ohhhhh both of these photos are treasures! Fortunately for the basket it does not need to be abandoned forever! Looks like it still has a bit of use left in it! :)
Thank you for stopping by my playground. Much appreciated. I love both shots. The house one is eerie looking but wonderful. And I love the basket...you can see how it is abandoned. Aloha :)
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