Sunday, September 23, 2012

You Gotta Have......

What does it take to be creative?   There may be thousands of answers to that question. However, a friend said it all when he said, "You've got balls!"  In response, I roared with laughter. He is right...balls it is.  One must have that certain something needed to push forward, to create with total abandon.  Today I am sticking a bright neon-colored sticky note on my laptop.  "You Gotta Have Balls!"  

It takes guts to be creative.  Risks are necessary.  We have to push ourselves on many levels:  First, to follow an idea.  Next, to manifest what we see in our minds.  Then, sharing.  Once an idea has come to fruition, it cannot hide.  It must come out. It has to be nurtured and born.  Ideas have a life of their own and the artist is the vehicle.  The artist hones what he sees, then makes it real.

Be advised:  The more you want to do something--the more you want to create--the more obstacles appear.  The job of the artist is to go around those roadblocks and do it anyway!

So, today go Do It!

Remember:  "Be Good, Do Good, Share Good."  "Excellence Wins." --EB

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