Showing posts with label decorative spirals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decorative spirals. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How Do You Do That?

Here is how to create a spiral from a landscape:

Choose landscape:

CROP image if desired. Adobe Photoshop go to Filters > Distort > Twirl...Play with Twirl to get the effect you like.

Clean up edges using brush and fill tools and there you have a spiral.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Joy in A Digital Darkroom

This morning I am playing again. (One of my favorite things to do.) I may go back to this country road to catch a current autumn image.

Photograph by Elisabeth Bacon 2008
All Rights Reserved

The image below was originally a sunset. How about that? Now, an example of the Golden Mean.

Image by Elisabeth Bacon 2008
All Rights Reserved

Our garden is overrun with morning glories. I am heading there, in a few minutes, to see if any of them have survived the frost.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Define Your Dream--Define Yourself

Image by Elisabeth Bacon
All Rights Reserved

Dreams come true. We make our dreams come true. Here are some ways to manifest what you want:

  1. Plan, Make Lists, Be Specific
  2. Commit, Show Up
  3. Be Determined, Persevere
  4. Focus, Become a Laser Beam
  5. Learn and Grow--Knowledge is Power
  6. Be Aware, Pay Attention, Be Vigilante
  7. Believe, Visualize, Affirm, Listen
  8. Follow Your Heart

    (Do you see the pot formed by the words in 1-8 above? Squint and look again.)

Be the Clay, Mold It, Fire It, Fill It and ENJOY!