Showing posts with label twirl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label twirl. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How Do You Do That?

Here is how to create a spiral from a landscape:

Choose landscape:

CROP image if desired. Adobe Photoshop go to Filters > Distort > Twirl...Play with Twirl to get the effect you like.

Clean up edges using brush and fill tools and there you have a spiral.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Define Your Dream--Define Yourself

Image by Elisabeth Bacon
All Rights Reserved

Dreams come true. We make our dreams come true. Here are some ways to manifest what you want:

  1. Plan, Make Lists, Be Specific
  2. Commit, Show Up
  3. Be Determined, Persevere
  4. Focus, Become a Laser Beam
  5. Learn and Grow--Knowledge is Power
  6. Be Aware, Pay Attention, Be Vigilante
  7. Believe, Visualize, Affirm, Listen
  8. Follow Your Heart

    (Do you see the pot formed by the words in 1-8 above? Squint and look again.)

Be the Clay, Mold It, Fire It, Fill It and ENJOY!