Sunday, July 31, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011


If you aspire to do superb landscape photography, check out this site:

Monday, July 25, 2011


Taking a break from sharing info thru a class is wonderful. I am loving the freedom! Wow, who knew? Now, I have time to devote to new ideas and the list of challenges created for me, by me. Challenges are pushing me into other avenues and dimensions. Am moving on...

Suggestion: Make a list of things you would like to shoot...then, and this is a most important step......Do It!


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saying Thank You Is Easy

What ever happened to manners, kindness and courtesy? What a shame if these ways are getting lost in the shuffle of cyberspace.

I give thanks for the good people out there. Three cheers for the considerate ones!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday Soundoff--Signed Release Forms

Recently I was challenged about release/permission forms and copyrights. Here is what I was told a long time ago: "If you didn't make it, you can't photograph it and publish, or sell, that photograph unless you have permission (preferably a signed release form)."

RAKU VASE by Peggy M. Slawson

Today we went to a flea market and I purchased a Raku* pottery vase and got a signed release form from the potter before taking the shot. It only took a minute to get the form signed. Keep in mind the energy and effort that goes into creating any original work. Artist and craftsmen deserve our recognition and respect for the what they do. FYI: The artist holds all rights on what they create.

General Rule: For any thing, where you know the creator, or manufacturer, post their copyright notice and info found on the item with your image. If you are going to take photographs of items with trademarks, then you really need to get a signed release before you post/publish the image.

When you have permission, you can publish and sell copies of an image with, or without credits depending on your agreement with the artist.

There are some exceptions to my General Rule above and I suggest that photographers research copyright laws, as well as contact a copyright attorney.

After thought: Copyright laws and their complexities are reasons to take photographs of antiques. :-) And....I love antiques!

* Raku is an old Japanese firing process mainly used it in the making of cups and pots used in the traditional tea ceremony.

Having A Blast

Am taking a few days off to play. Yesterday I took pics of roses in low light with my iPhone and then added some texture. Oh, it was such fun! I am amazed at that quality of the images. Usually I shoot using Manual mode. Every now and then, it is good to simply let go and let the images fly.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

SkyWatch-Approaching Storm

Thank you SkyWatch Team. To see more SkyWatch images from around the world, please click on the icon above.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Ghostly Images

These images are straight out of the camera...not easy. Have wanted to do something like this for years.... Finally, did it today.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kaleidoscope Images--Quilt Patterns

As a child, I loved to color. Designs bring back those happy days. Here are a couple of designs created yesterday. I got to color (granted it is digital coloring, but it is coloring).

Sunday, July 10, 2011


What a fun afternoon! Hours of amusement photographing sparrows. They are so sweet with a variety of personalities.

Night Shots--Set Two

Had wanted to drive into town for a night shot, but that didn't happen. Decided to paint a setup with light after dark.

This is an example of painting with light (used for instruction only).

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Night Shots - Set One






Thank you SkyWatch team. To see more SkyWatch images from around the world, click on the icon above.

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Last night this sunset appeared framed in our living room window. Finally, I couldn't stand it and grabbed my camera. The Hudson River School of painters, came to mind. This sunset would be perfect glazed in layers as part of a misty landscape.

About a week ago, this sunset splashed across the sky--a once in a lifetime spectacular!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

From the Hip

From the Hip Assignment: This is the original, straight from the camera. Resizing occurred when inserting in email to send from iphone.

Monday, July 4, 2011

For Tuesday--From the Hip

This week's images were intuitively taken holding iphone camera at hip level, not arranging for composition and without looking at the LCD screen. I did play with a couple of in-camera (Plastique app) techniques--adding those choices prior to shooting.

Friday, July 1, 2011