Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Recent Images


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Autumn in NC




One thing I love about the iPhone is the plethora of possibilities when playing with images.


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Last Night's Sunset Show

I was (and am) speechless.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Cleaning Out Cameras

Here is a sunset that was never shared.  Taken October 10, 2014.

Last Rose of Summer

Recently I decided to take sunrise or sunset shots every day again.  The weather did not cooperate this morning so...............  here is my contribution for today.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Big Question

Do you have a vision?

What is it?

What  are you doing to make your dream come true?

Suggestion:  Do one thing today.  One thing a day means 365 things a year.  Mission accomplished!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Time Outs

Taking a time out pays off.  You will return to shooting with a rested eye and your shooting will be fresh and new.

Suggestion:  When you find yourself grasping at straws, take a break.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Page A Day

Writer's do it.  Photographers do it. Artists can do it too!
A Page A Day!
(or something like that)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Time Out

A time out is when we take time to refill and replenish our creative stash.   These moments of quiet reflection are crucial for artists.  I have mentioned this necessity in the past and am bringing it up again because it is important.  With information and images going out into the world rapidly (lickety-split), there has to be some time set aside to refill an almost empty cup.  

Suggestion:  Every now and then give yourself a break.  Meditate.  Take a mini vacation.  And, remember to get in touch with real life.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Looking Forward

Question:  "What do I want to do now?"

I am looking forward to writing, reading, thinking and relaxing.

Trying to "keep up" on social media pages can, at times, be too much for me.  Lately, I have felt the pressure to perform.  I do not take pictures so folks will "oooooohhh and aaaaaahhh."  I shoot images because I love capturing light illuminating people, places and things.

I am old school.  I like clean images--sharp and fine.  I like  photographs that touch the viewer and speak through mood--images that evoke an emotional response. The bottom line is: a good image has to have contrast, some conflict or tension and tell a story.

New "stories" and revived memories will be posted soon.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Catch Up

I have fallen behind with my postings here again...darn!  One reason is the lack of time.  I post on Facebook and then have to post here and possibly on Flickr.

Here are a few of my recently created images:


Taken to be used later as a replacement sky in a future landscape.  Love the clouds!

 I am so excited about using the iPhone.  I cannot stop.  I am addicted! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Bringing Things Up-To-Date

Oh my, have I fallen behind with posting again?  Yikes!

Here are a few recent images:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Back to Using Big Boy Camera

Sunrise this morning--a peaceful pink.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Recent Endeavors

This week I experimented with iPhone apps.  Here are two images taken using the Hispanatic app.  It really feels good getting back to doing still life images.  I truly love still life.  Anything else is extra.


Sunday, August 31, 2014


Watching images evolve using apps is fascinating.  Here several recent "mindscape" moments:

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Photography Through Old Age

Question: How can we continue photography through old age? 
   Years ago I started doing still life because walking was becoming difficult. Next came the sunrises and sunsets (taken from our front porch) while my father struggled with Alzheimer's. Life is short. Push to do what you can do. 
   Artists are driven. There is no turning back. Stopping is not an option. Keep going. Keep doing. Keep growing and sharing. Share beauty when you find it. Share the joy and the sorrow. Tell the truth. Say what you have to say. Show what is true, where you are. Do it. Do whatever your "it" is.

* * * * * * * *
Helpful Hints: Use a tripod and a remote, if needed. Get a rolling camera bag. Use a phone camera, or a point and shoot, when your gear gets too heavy. Sit and shoot. Shoot from your car. Pay attention. See what is right in front of you. Images are everywhere.

****Published this morning (August 27, 2014) on my personal Facebook page.

Sitting in the Stillness


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Catching Up Again

Lordy, I am sooooo busy and the last thing I want is to fall behind with posting here.  Below are recent iPhone images. All were edited using an iPad.
BOOKENDS (made by my Granddad)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Black and White

I love experimenting with my iPhone.  Yesterday I decided to enter the world of black and white using a variety of apps.  This is a test.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Sunrise Today (IOS--iPhone)

This morning I was up before sunrise and felt compelled to go out and see the sun peek over the mountains and rooftops. For me, taking pics first thing in the morning sets the tone of the day.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Catching Up

Oh my, I have fallen behind with my posting here...Yikes!  Time to do a catch up. So...here we go:

Working with Procreate on my iPad, I was able to create a small painting and add handwritten notes.

Next, I shared on Facebook this watercolor that was painted in 7 minutes during what was to have been a 45-minute demonstration (back in the 70s while giving a watercolor workshop).  Demonstrations would usually take 45 minutes.  Seven minutes was a huge surprise for me.

 Sunflowers in a crock.  Taken with iPhone and edited using iPad.  By the way, sunflowers are heavy.

Bowl of cherries painted using apps on iPad from iPhone image.  I really like how this turned out.

iPhone image edited on Ipad with a look of moonlight.

Friday, August 8, 2014