Monday, January 12, 2009

Everyday Creative

Each day is an opportunity to do something creative at home, or in photography, writing or drawing and painting. When, for whatever reason, I miss meeting my Muse; I get cranky. This journal keeps me on track--focused. What better reason could we have for keeping a journal? Our journals keep us in touch with our goals, dreams and projects.

Yesterday we went to Michael's to find light tan vellum. Guess what? No luck. White vellum will have to suffice. Solution: color match the existing light tan vellum, using Photoshop. Found some tinted graphite pencils. Am excited looking forward using them.

Photograph by Elisabeth Bacon 2009--All Rights Reserved

While out shopping, we found a fabulous Italian mask and "Betty," the mannequin, may come out of retirement to wear it. She poses well. Doesn't move. Time for her to help out. "Bob" and "Betty" (mannequins) sit around the house all day doing nothing. Uh-oh, unless they do something, they could be headed for Donation Land.


DB said...

"Our journals keep us in touch with our goals, dreams and projects." So very true that is. It allows me to write everyday, which is vital to me.

I like the tapestry drawing very much.


Light and Voices said...

What a wonderful, different idea to photograph an Italian mask. I love the lighting. Masterpiece again, Elisabeth.